Dienstag, 29. Juli 2014

Week 2

Week 2

Getting to know the children

The beginning of Camp Q

The volunteers and I were really looking forward to meeting all the children and the young people in the village. When Monday came, we were both quite excited and nervous. Most of us were a bit worried about the language barriers and the cultural differences interfering with the participation, but our fears were soon put to rest. The younsters are so open minded and geniuses at communicationg with body language. Everyday, the kids teach us a few words in Greenlandic and in return we teach them a few in English. Remembering names has been a challenge and often the source of giggles for both parts but we are trying really hard!

The activities

All weeks activities were held from noon to 6 o'clock in the gym, at the school and outside for the children to enjoy. Children from the age of 5 months old to 18 years of age have been attending every day. Young adults were also starting to join by mid week.

In the gym

In the gym we started every morning with a session of both: bootcamp and dancing. Quite a good number of young girls have been enjoying the dance class every morning while more and more teenagers and young adults have been attending the bootcamp.

The late mornings were often spent twirling, jumping, flipping and bouncing around on the gymnastic apparels. Some kids gladly took part in the acrobatics while others wathed in complete awe and admiration. I was really impressed with what some of the older kids could do with a trampoline and a mat. There is a lot of talent in Qaanaaq!
In the afternnoons, the gym was split into two sections, offering free play or organized games on one side and basketball on the other side. I am quite impressed with the children for they were all playing together, taking care of each other no matter the age. The teenagers were welcoming the younger kids in their games and vice versa. One could really see the strong sense of community that these kids have, it was like they were all brothers and sisters looking out for one another.

In the school

In the school different workshops such as legos, painting, Origami, Greek and Finnish dancing, Hama beads and cooking were offered. There were also many music and drama activities as well as circle games with musical instruments. Soap making and playing with fimo made an appearance too. The kids, no matter what age, wanted to try a little bit of everything! They work together and guide each other, older and younger ones, whether they are learning traditional dances or playing with legos or some other activity. 

written by Bella


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